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“A Republic, If We Can Keep It.”

“Sell not … liberty to purchase power.”

Ben Franklin Signature

Letter to America's Governors

Governors Urged to Certify Electors by Deadline

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Our Purpose

Founded in 2020, Keep Our Republic is a non-partisan civic education organization with a unique focus on the threats facing our elections, and on ways to help strengthen trust in our electoral system. We are most tightly focused on election integrity to assure that every eligible voter has the opportunity to vote, their votes are counted and properly certified.

At the local, county and statewide level in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, KOR works through bipartisan advisory councils and community members to identify potential disruptions, develop antidotes, and educate our fellow citizens about what they might anticipate. A comprehensive outreach program brings experts together to share experiences, recommendations and best practices as we expect that all will face new threats and challenges as the country moves beyond Election Day 2024.

Our Pledge

At the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, Ben Franklin was asked by a passersby about what kind of political system we would have and he reportedly replied: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
We pledge to keep it.

Therefore, we rededicate ourselves to uphold the following basic principles, and we call on our fellow citizens to do the same:

Let every eligible voter vote.
Let every vote be counted.
Let the electoral count stand.

Respect the voice of the people in each state as expressed in the popular vote.

Quotes from Our Colleagues

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