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Their votes are key to the 2024 election. They’re feeling both confident and worried.

A focus group of women, from diverse ideological backgrounds, presented a snapshot of the hopes and worries of a critical swing vote in the 2024 election.

May 17, 2024 | Barbara Rodriguez, Mel Leonor Barclay | The 19th

Roughly six months before the presidential election, a group of 15 women from diverse backgrounds, in key battleground districts — Kent County, Michigan; Bucks County, Pennsylvania; and La Crosse County, Wisconsin — gathered as part of a focus group to discuss their views on the state of democracy in 2024.

The 90-minute session on May 7 presented a snapshot of the complex highs and lows of civic engagement in this moment: a general appreciation for the importance of voting — but also a disillusionment that it may not make a difference on the federal level, in part because of extreme political polarization.

The focus group was organized by Keep Our Republic, a nonpartisan organization that works to strengthen trust in the electoral system through community outreach programming. …

“People are hungry for information” and are wading through “a lot of garbage and a lot of disinformation and misinformation out there.”
-Kasi Meyer