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KOR In The News

KOR in the News

Newsweek: The Electoral College Nightmare That Could Have Happened As an observer who spent a lot of time over the last six months raising awareness of the worst way a close election could play out—with the Trump campaign challenging election results by attempting to overturn a Biden Electoral College victory—the good news out of this election is that very dark scenario has not…
Tom Rogers
December 5, 2020
KOR in the News

Just Security: Navigating a Contested Election, the Electoral Count Act and 12th Amendment: How to Ensure a Fully Counted Outcome

This article was conceived well prior to its publication date of October 7, 2020. It has been made available to political leaders, but was held back from general distribution in deference to a concern that it might discourage the vote or give a patina of legitimacy to the disruptive tactics discussed. Regrettably, the conduct of…
KOR in the News

CBS News’ Weekend Roundup with Alison Keyes

We begin with the Covid-19 pandemic as the daily number of new coronavirus cases passes the 150-thousand mark for the first time. CBS's David Begnaud with more. CBS News Medical Contributor Dr. David Agus joins Allison to speak about exciting Covid-19 medical advances this week, including a new vaccine from Pfizer the company says is…
Keep Our Republic Staff
November 13, 2020
KOR in the News

Gary Hart: The Cure at Troy

Seamus Heaney, Nobel Prize poet laureate, and late-in-life classicist, translated a play by Sophocles entitled Philoctetes.  He called it The Cure at Troy. It is the story of a Greek warrior en route to Troy to join his countrymen in their epic siege at Troy.  Their ship stopped at a small island on the way…
Gary Hart
November 3, 2020
Constitution and GavelKOR in the News

The Boston Globe: We’re a bipartisan group of former leaders who have joined forces to protect our democracy

More than 40 former congressional leaders, former Cabinet secretaries, retired military officials, and leaders of civic organizations have formed the bipartisan National Council on Election Integrity to ensure a democratic outcome to the 2020 election.  A growing number of Americans understand that our magnificent experiment in democracy is under threat. Participating in the November presidential…