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KOR Reads

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin should not tolerate illegal private militia groups

Earlier this month, federal and state authorities charged 13 members of a private militia with plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. According to the federal criminal complaint, they laid the groundwork for their scheme in Cambria, Wis., where they conducted firearms training, combat drills, and attempted to create an improvised explosive device. Had the…
Jonathan Backer
October 18, 2020
KOR Reads

Harper’s Magazine: The Enemies Briefcase

A few hours before the inauguration ceremony, the prospective president receives an elaborate and highly classified briefing on the means and procedures for blowing up the world with a nuclear attack, a rite of passage that a former official described as “a sobering moment.” Secret though it may be, we are at least aware that…
Andrew Cockburn
October 15, 2020
Constitution and GavelKOR in the News

The Boston Globe: We’re a bipartisan group of former leaders who have joined forces to protect our democracy

More than 40 former congressional leaders, former Cabinet secretaries, retired military officials, and leaders of civic organizations have formed the bipartisan National Council on Election Integrity to ensure a democratic outcome to the 2020 election.  A growing number of Americans understand that our magnificent experiment in democracy is under threat. Participating in the November presidential…
KOR Reads

Nieman Lab: The election could be contested and last for weeks after Nov. 3. Here’s what experts think journalists should know.

Can he do that? How many times over, say, the last four years have readers asked you that? How many times have you asked yourself? The National Task Force on Election Crises, a cross-partisan group of experts, wants reporters to know exactly how presidential elections are conducted and decided — including what happens when election results are…
Sarah Scire
September 29, 2020